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As we stand on the precipice of a daunting future, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) mourns the tragic collapse of the South African stat...

Friday, September 2, 2011

There’s always something Unique-Comical-Dumb about your favourite Celebrity

Writes Buchule Raba GoXtra News Editor...
“I love getting advice from people. I like giving it too, but being on the receiving end is usually better.”  Liezel Joubert (Editor: Club Magazine) 

There’s forever that something out of the ordinary you want to know about your dream celebrity/role model (It’s like trying to figure out if Ntsiki Mazwai will be the country’s next and first female president), well good enough, but still it depends on the move towards achieving that wonderful discovery. How do we make sure that our dreams draw closer? Do we wake up after every castle in the air and take a step forward? Isn’t it obvious that we all wake up (Ignoring not waking up by death)? Well, a winning step towards your dream is not an easy task to carry out. 

I recall not so long ago during my graduation, “Don’t marry your dreams, but date them…” said the American guy. By that he meant that we dream every day, yet we cannot be stuck with one dream. So dating your dreams will make it easy for you to break up with them as soon as a new fantasy comes along. How do you let go of your youth dream of meeting Lira, Thandiswa, Zahara (now),
Camagwini, Uyanda, Bonang, Unathi and Kuli face to face? It’s almost impossible to let go, but possible to meet them. So the famous question is how do you meet them? Sure case in gigs or bumping to them in shopping malls, but does that mean getting to know them enough? No!

Hence the GoXtra News team will work hard to bring you the best commentary and topical news on local celebrities. We are certain that there’s that unique, comical and dumb thing you want to know about your role model (It’s like trying to find out if Khanyi Mbau is a Kalawa Jazmee Records mascot). This goes as far as asking the question of when Arthur (the then King of Kwaito) is going to take retirement. Of course if there’s any retirement plan…

We know that readers/public have many questions about the famous, so our role is to unearth those questions. Not all of us, especially the black nation have a tendency to read magazines, newspapers and watch television shows like The Showbiz Report, Mzantsi Insider, Real Gobhoza, Selemathunzi, Club 808 to mention but a few (Those are just your free channel programmes). Now that we comprehend your reader attitude, it will be easy for us to recollect these news and report them to you.

 Knowing that the internet is emerging vastly and can’t be ignored, we are sure that the Facebook and Twitter age (Our target market) will never miss the news we publish online via We’ll make sure that we turn every unturned stone to make sure that your reading pleasure is adhered to. I am 100% correct that online is the right chill place to find you, in this fashion that’s why we chose to come online.

Our news updates will centre on:

  • ·         News (bit of hard)

  • ·         Columns/opinion/commentary

  • ·         Reviews (Music, Books and or Clubs)

  • ·         Sport (Soccer, Golf and Rugby)

  • ·         Television (Free and pay channels)

  • ·         Radio

  • ·         Parties (Celebrities)

  • ·         Health

  • ·         Relationships (Celebrities and human interest)

  • ·         Comedy/comics

  • ·         Popular chilling spots

  • ·         Questions by polls

  • ·         Features (Mini/long)

My Favourite Picks/Stories:

In wrapping up, below every story there’s a comment box where you can leave your views/thoughts for us or the concerned writer. For publication errors you can email us at or for information please direct your queries to Until we meet again in October, I relish to your continued and valued support…

©The Editor (September month)
Buchule Raba

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