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OPINION: Corruption’s Chokehold: Rebuilding South Africa’s Stolen Dreams

As we stand on the precipice of a daunting future, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) mourns the tragic collapse of the South African stat...

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

South Africa's Hottest Hip-Hop Duo @B3nchmarQ To Tour European City

B3nchmarQ is undeniably the hottest Hip-Hop duo in South Africa right now, creatively & musically. 
Five months into 2017 and already they are said to be having their greatest year yet, notably with their new chart-topping single "Wayase" featuring Ice Prince.

With growing appetite for everything B3nchmarQ outside of South Africa; particularly in the U.K, the boys have their first international tour around the corner. 
Kicking things off in Dublin and Birmingham this weekend, the dual act promises to bring more than the "TamatiGangGang" experience.
To see more updates about the duo and the tour follow them on Twitter @B3nchMarQ
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