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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Johnson humbles Proteas!

The Proteas have been demolished by the Australian cricket team in a humbling defeat that left the South Africans 1 – 0 down in the 3 match test series. South Africa was thrashed by 281 runs with Australia’s bowler, Mitchell Johnson, ripping through the Proteas batting line-up with figures of 12/127. 

Johnson's match figures of 12 for 127 bettered his previous match best of 11 for 159 against South Africa in Perth in 2008/09.

South Africa captain Graeme Smith, acknowledged that Johnson was the difference between the two sides, “There’s no doubt that he was the difference in this game, He bowled superb spells. He’s obviously in form, he’s hot at the moment and we need to find a way to curb that and put him under pressure. Conditions certainly suited his style of bowling, and he was able to extract every bit of life and uncertainty out of that wicket, which in turn put us under an immense amount of pressure.”

The Proteas will have to up their game incredibly if they are to beat an Australian side that looks inspired and raring to go. England were defeated 5 - 0 in the Ashes last month by Australia and South Africa will need to rethink their tactics ahead of their second test against the Aussies in Port Elisabeth. 

 By Zukisani Ndingaye

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