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As we stand on the precipice of a daunting future, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) mourns the tragic collapse of the South African stat...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oops! Idols Judge and Radio Personality Gareth Cliff Caught Protesting for the eToll

Idols Judge in crap!
Controversial 5FM radio personality Gareth Cliff was arrested for speeding in Pretoria on Tuesday night, said Gauteng traffic police. OH really now? Clearly we just mumble about speed kills when we're at work and we don't practice such in streets, as reported by iAfrica

iAfrica also reported that Cliff was caught driving at 182 kilometres an hour in a 120km/h zone on the R21 in Lyttelton by the high speed unit, said Gauteng traffic police spokesperson Busaphi Nxumalo.Wow more than 180 km per hour? 

How can Gareth do this while Jub-Jub is still in court for allegedly killing school pupils in drag racing? What is wrong with these people mara? Dj Sbu was there and Doc Shebeleza too. Thanks God that they caught Gareth before he causes an accident.

Haska Yadelela lo!
The hashtag on twitter is FreeGarethCliff, mxm I say arrest and punish Gareth Cliff, this is a very serious matter and we should not joke about it. Cliff has centered himself as a person who's not a subject of corrections and now I am glad that he can also live like everyone else.

I salute the traffic officers who made the arrest, Phambili Maqhawe Wezendlela!

By Ntathe Mgozi (All images are used for illustration) | You may add me on Facebook
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