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OPINION: Corruption’s Chokehold: Rebuilding South Africa’s Stolen Dreams

As we stand on the precipice of a daunting future, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) mourns the tragic collapse of the South African stat...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Book Review: Is this Witchcraft or God’s work? Believe it or not her story is real – The death and Resurrection of her mother – Queen of Ashbel

This Thursday on GoTv Channel we'll be interviewing Rachell Gabriel from Zimbabwe, she authored a book titled "Queen of Ashbel" - in the book she tells a real story about her mother who died and woke up on the day of the funeral... Her story is very inspiring - Before her mother died again she told her to continue the work of God... Is this Witchcraft or the real Death or Resurrection of her mom? Stay tuned... Below are excerpts from the book - focusing on the main chapters with many to offer.

Her Upbringing – Excerpts from the book

“My mother was born on the 25th of December 1950 in Zimbabwe; Mama left us on the 3rd of April 2009 to be with the lord. As a child, Mama Saliphina had a difficult childhood due to the fact that her mother left when she was a little girl and was later raised by her grandmother. Her mother, Elitina Ntombeni was a South African, born from a Zulu father and Tswana mother from Botswana.”

Her grandmother was stabbed by her grandfather in the left eye and she fled the village in the night with the youngest child and crossed over to South Africa where she lived her life as a traditional healer, leaving other children behind.

The Death of her Mother

“One day in October, when coming down the steps from our house, she saw a bird flying towards her and she got curious and decided kept staring, it flew into her head, then she fell down with the baby in her hands, this happened around 9am in the morning. She was later found by a passerby, late noon who heard the baby crying and decided to take a look, only to discover that the baby was crawling around mother. He called her name, “Salipina! Salipina! Wake up!” Repeatedly but she did not respond, she was not breathing except lying there helpless. The man ran to call for help and soon the place was filled with elders just looking at each other in astonishment asking questions suspecting that witchcraft was the cause of the tragedy…”

When relatives organised a scotch to take Rachell’s mother to the nearest hospital she was already cold and the doctors could do nothing as they officially pronounced her dead and put her in the mortuary.

The Resurrection

“When the leader of the Salvation Army Church finished preaching at the cemetery, it was time to lower the coffin into the grave. As they lowered the coffin down, she woke up and realized that she was in the coffin and started knocking. At first when people heard the noise, they had no clue that the noise was coming from the coffin, so they carried on with what they were doing, but when the men lowering the coffin realized that it was coming from the grave, they quickly dropped the coffin in the panic and that drew everybody’s attention…”

“If you’re working hard trying by all means to make your dreams come true but everything just seems to be in vain, do not be angry, just stop and think for a second. Are you doing what the Lord requires you to do or maybe you are doing what you feel is the best for you? The only way to know is by asking God and believe me he will answer; maybe what you don’t want to be might be what God wants you to be.”

The book has a lot to offer as it tells very touching and inspiring stories that sound real and to some extent supernatural. Be sure to pre order your copy in time. Let me continue reading my copy…

Her book is tilted, “Queen of Ashbel,” By Rachell Gabriel

The book will be available in stores soon| to order contact Mbix Productions| T: +27 78 709 9877| C: +27 83 872 6783 | E:

You are invited:
To Leave us your comments below | Tell us what you think about the above article? What do you think about Rachell's life experiences?

By Buchule Raba|Independent Journalist|Producer|Publicist / leave your comments for me below the comment box or send them via email to editor@goxtranews.comClick here to follow me on twitter or add me on Facebook here

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