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OPINION: Corruption’s Chokehold: Rebuilding South Africa’s Stolen Dreams

As we stand on the precipice of a daunting future, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) mourns the tragic collapse of the South African stat...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cape Town: Base Galore brings you yet another Glamorous event

Base Galore brings you yet another exciting, elegant and glamorous event on the 5th November. For your experience, gladly join us in celebration of Chynaman’s CD launch at Pepper Club Camps Bay. VIP tickets are limited at R200 each (Pre-sold only) with all the necessary perks/benefits, however standard tickets will cost you as little as R100 each.

Galore has recently hosted The Glamorous Experience at ZAR Cape Town (30 September). The event was a great success with Cape Town’s most elite society attending in their numbers.

We would like to also extend our greatest gratitude to the wholesome sponsors that came through, Glamour Photo Studio, Red Visual, TruMedia and Broadway…

Looking forward to seeing you at the CHYNAMAN CD Launch as it will fail to disappoint!

For  ticket sales & info about the event Click here to contact Base Galore Team

Note: All entertainment writers are welcome to apply for event coverage (

Press Release issued by Base Galore.

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