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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Corona Announces #ProtectParadise Drive To Support Ban On Single-Use Plastic

JOHANNESBURG – South African International Surfing Champion Rosy Hodge has partnered with Corona, Parley and World Surf League on their #ProtectParadise project that supported and led the change on the ban of single-use plastic in Indonesia. 

The #ProtectParadise mission aims to engage audiences globally on a clean-up network that is present in over 23 countries and has resulted in 537 clean-ups, 25 000 volunteers and more than 3 million square meters of beaches cleaned.

As part of this initiative, Corona are producing limited edition reusable bags designed by world renowned surfers Stephanie Gilmore of Australia, Gabriel Medina of Brazil in partnership with artists Nadia Hernandez, Speto and Gemma O’Brien respectively.

It is estimated that roughly 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year with as many as 10 million plastic bags entering circulation in Indonesia every day. Earlier this year, Bali announced a ban of all single-use plastic (including plastic bags) that takes effect later this year.

In an attempt to help support local NGOs who have been leading change against single-use plastic worldwide and as part of their commitment to protecting paradise, the brands are donating 20,000 reusable bags made from Ocean Plastic. These limited edition bags are being produced and are available for pre-order from and proceeds from each bag goes towards the removal of plastic from the oceans. 

“I’ve built a really strong connection to Bali over the years and I am excited about the opportunity to participate in a project that helps support the amazing work already happening on the ground. It’s been a pleasure working with Gemma to craft a design worthy of being printed on these symbolic bags and appreciate the support from Corona, Parley and World Surf League to bring them to life in a big way” said Hodge.

The beer brand (Corona) will be continuing with the #ProtectParadise initiative locally at the World Surf League in Jeffery’s Bay from July 9 – July 22, 2019.  

Join in on the Protect Paradise conversation by following the #ProtectParadise hashtag on Social media.

Twitter: @CoronaAfrica
Instagram: @Corona

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