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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Carol Tshabalala to anchor popular English Premier League show Fanzone tomorrow

Award winning internationally acclaimed sports broadcaster and MC, Carol Tshabalala, is set to anchor popular Premier League show Fanzone tomorrow, Wednesday, April 26, 2017.

Fanzone is a fan call-in show that discusses and debates news and topics relevant to Premier League soccer. The show, which is broadcasted worldwide, will air locally on SuperSport at 16:30pm and at 23.30pm, right after the Arsenal and Leicester City match.  

Tshabalala is now a regular face on the popular English Premier League shows: Fanzone and Football TodayShe is the only African based presenter to join the English Premier League sports-casters and one of only a handful of female presenters.

Tshabalala continues to proudly own the title of First Lady of Sports; not only paving the way for a up-and-coming female sports casters to enter the industry, but also lending her name to the credibility of sport-casters coming from Africa and doing an amazing job on a global scale.

Make sure to tune into SuperSport at 16:30pm and at 23:30pm on Wednesday to catch Tshabalala on Fanzone and follow the First Lady of Sports on social media to stay up to date with her London trip! #CarolInLondon

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