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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Elements of Soul: Time is the enemy let’s not wait – an album with energy produces ‘Music in me’

It would be foolish and lethargic for me to say their album is a shit smack in the face -their latest offering ‘Music in Me’ is one in many albums to not depart the record store without buying yourself a copy.  The trio – Sibusiso Msesiwe (Sibu), Aviwe Mpondo (Dj Palture) and Mandilakhe Tengani (Man-D) are sure to look-out for in the South African entertainment trade – with their youthful and fresh music to look out for, so it is never a crime to your ears.

What’s also scorching about this band is the fact that they did not attempt to be bogus and foolish with their sound – and when you start to pick that up in an album you start to appreciate why their music is so blameless. It is strenuous to just remain you in the industry because all artists have someone to look up to as well. 

So first-class is their title track ‘Music in me’ – really does wonders. It’s a twelve track album, of course counting the intro too.  In this album they knew how to play with energy – that makes the album twist and turn a good produce.  

Elements of Soul paint a good picture of music with their effectual lyrical content. One of the hottest tracks in the album is ‘New day’ – a song which boasts and tells you to live your life to the fullest. A very modern album that makes you dance like you mean it. This is just multiplicity combined good and powerful music of our era. 

Honestly there’s no time to cry… ‘Amazing’ album, so time is the enemy – let’s not wait but go and get the album. By the way if you've been wondering how I review albums - I don't do bad albums because I hate to diss talent...

Essential songs: ‘Music in me’, ‘Fresh and alive’, ‘New day’ and ‘Amazing’ – so I title the album ‘Conscientiousness and diligence…’

For more info go Beyonce Records

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By Buchule Raba / leave your comments for us below the comment box or send them via email to

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