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Monday, October 24, 2011

Nelson Mandela Bay:New Community Television Station Launched

 Localised television programming set to benefit the community

Bay TV Chairperson Mr Vuyo Mvoko
Port Elizabeth, 20 September 2011 – South Africa’s newest community television station, BAY TV, started its first broadcast on the 1st of October 2011 (Already on air)The station will be broadcast in isiXhosa, Afrikaans and English, covering the Nelson Mandela Bay geographic region (Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch including all the townships within those localities), as well as surrounding areas.

Station programming will include sport, news, actuality, music, the arts, culture, religious programming, business / finance and youth and women’s issues. “The main focus of our programmes will be to highlight grassroots community issues, including developmental issues, health care, education, culture, sport and environmental affairs,” says Vuyo Mvoko, the chairperson of BAY TV.

“BAY TV will be a platform for the community of Nelson Mandela Bay where we can get together and talk about things that matter to them, in a language they all understand, reflecting their own needs. But as much as this is about giving the people a voice, it is also about empowering our community and creating opportunities that would otherwise not be open to them,” says Mvoko.

Adds Denise Roodt, Deputy Chairperson of the Board: “The launch of BAY TV is a watershed event for the budding film and television production industry in Nelson Mandela Bay and the greater Eastern Cape. Finally, local artists have a reason to stay in the Bay, since the station will offer them a platform to showcase their work. However, the greatest beneficiaries are the community members who now have a TV station they can call their own.”

BAY TV proudly follows in the footsteps of the many great political and business leaders who come from the region. “Leaders from Nelson Mandela Bay have always made a big impact on the political and economical landscape of South Africa. We aim to do the same by delivering a community television station that becomes a leader in its arena,” concludes Mvoko.

The initial program line-up will include programs such as:
         “Big 1 Up” - an interactive entertainment / game show aimed at under 16’s, where the show content is created by viewers using social media.
         “Today Show” – Daily show including actuality, sport, notices and business and finance.
         “We R Loud” – A one-of-a-kind, no rules and no limits platform for young people.
         “Sound Waves” – showcasing genre-based music videos including gospel, jazz and golden oldies.
         “1 City News” – Local, national and international news relevant to the Nelson Mandela Bay viewer.

To find and watch Bay TV people will have to follow the following easy steps:

1. Get a terrestrial aerial that picks up SABC 1, 2, 3 & E-TV.
2. With this connected, manually tune you television in the UHF bandwidth until you find e-TV.
3. Continue tuning and you will find BAY TV (channel 54, frequency 735.25 MHz)
4. Save this channel on your television set.

For more information please contact board chairperson Vuyo Mvoko on 082 771 7681 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            082 771 7681      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Email:

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